Erin Kemal

Which is the right plain bearing for sheet metal applications?

All applications are different and not all of them require a housing for a bearing to be press-fit into. Sheet metal applications require a different type of bearing and those bearings need to behave different to the plain bearings. Find out more here.

The unnecessary plastic pollution; how can we play a part?

As a nation, we are responsible for the destruction of the ocean and the animals that live within it. Recently on the news, face masks have been found in the ocean with trapped animals beneath them. We are all responsible. igus® have invested with Mura Technology to help try and combat some of the issues surrounding pollution and try and undo some of the damage already caused worldwide.

When is an e-chain® a beam?

It may not seem like an obvious comparison; a beam and an energy chain but fundamentally they are one of the same. Read all about why the two are compared and where the common ground lies.