The tour schedule

The image below presents the schedule of “iglidur® on tour” through Europe.



These countries will be visit within the next 6 months.

The tour is separated into two parts by the Christmas holidays and new years eve. In 2014, we will begin the tour in Austria and continue to the United Kingdom by driving through Nederland’s and Belgium. We will then spend nearly 3 weeks in France and continue onto Switzerland until we celebrate the new year. 2015 will start cold and snowy because we are going to drive to North Europe – Norway and Sweden. After this the drive will continue south from Poland over Hungary to Turkey. Finally, we will finish with South Europe by having a look around Italy, Spain and Portugal. 

Puuh…This is going to be rough and those are just the main stops. Nevertheless, we are curious and excited about the things we will see, experience and discover. Equipped with a camera, dry-tech®-box and enough fuel, we are on our way!


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