Big final in Sao Paulo

The press conference for iglidur® on tour in Brazil, for the first time to date, the conference was after and not prior to the trip. Many journalists showed up to see the car that had been travelling around their country for three weeks while driving in excess of 6000 kilometres. Marcello Pimenta, country manager of igus®Brazil, welcomed the journalists and introduced igus®.

His presentation followed Marcio Marques, bearing product manager in Brazil, who presented the wide igus® product range and the use of iglidur® bearings within the automotive industry.

Marcio also guided the journalists to the highlight of the conference: The introduction of the car!

I took over with some explanations about the retrofitting and the tour itself.

At the end, Marcello turned the attention on the charity organization that received one euro for each kilometre that was driven. The money will contribute towards the equipment at a children’s hospital that specialises in cancer therapies. The hospital was born out of the initiative of two parents. Their child was suffering with cancer and they were complaining that they had to travel across the entire country for treatment. After their child could finally be cured, they found the hospital that carries out all treatments in one place, so that expensive travels were a thing of the past.

The press conference concluded with a lively discussion.

From the venue, the car left directly to the airport making tracks towards the cold, icy Alaska. We will spend two months travelling the whole United States and Canada.

I will keep you up to date,

yours Sascha


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