15 Search Results

For the term "industry 4.0".

Benefits of industry 4.0 in manufacturing

Industry 4.0 is the future but what exactly is it? Explore key factors contributing to the future of manufacturing and discover igus’® contribution to Industry 4.0!

Avoid unplanned downtime with igus smart plastics

Avoid machine downtime – incorporate smart plastics in your production line

The cosmetics industry heavily relies on their production line in order to meet business expectations and perform successfully. Therefore, just like production line’s in any industry, unplanned downtime due to equipment failure cannot be a possibility. With industry 4.0 at igus®, you won’t have to worry about unanticipated pauses in production that can lead to huge expenses for your organisation.

How can intelligent 3D printed parts make your life easier?

In a world where prevention is better than cure, having “intelligent” industry 4.0 products can help the prevention of wear and breakdowns. With the isense range of igus® products, this “talking” between the component and the controller is essential to save time and money.

What causes bearing failure ?

Bearing failures in machines can be costly, both in time and money. There are a multitude of reasons for bearing failures but with igus® igubal® bearings, these failures can be a thing of the past. This blog identifies the main reasons for bearing failures and looks at how the igus® self-aligning bearings can help.