
energy chains igus® blogs. Find out more information about small, medium and large e-chains, triflex, cable reels and custom solutions and accessories.

how can car manufacturers be more sustainable

How can car manufacturers be more sustainable? 

‘Transportation is one of the highest contributors to emissions, responsible for around 33% of CO2 emissions in the UK, and 30% across Europe.’- Find out what car manufacturers can do about it.

types of robot movement

Types of robot movement 

With constant robotic movement comes the risk of cable failure. Learn different movement types and the igus® solutions that give applications a longer service life.

Challenges for medical device manufacturers

Medical technology is fast moving so organisations who manufacture for this industry have to race to keep up. In such a crucial industry for innovative technologies, this blog looks at the challenges these medical equipment manufacturers face.

What is shore power?

Shore power is a revolutionary process that is set to tackle environmental issues and save money across the board. Read through this blog to better understand how it’s doing so!

Benefits of industry 4.0 in manufacturing

Industry 4.0 is the future but what exactly is it? Explore key factors contributing to the future of manufacturing and discover igus’® contribution to Industry 4.0!

What is just in time manufacturing?

Lean and just in time (JIT) manufacturing are two concepts which were established for the benefit of manufacturing companies whose everyday processes were being actively detrimental to the development of their companies.