Frequently asked questions – Ports & Cranes

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Speeds of 600 metres per minute (10m/s) are possible which is currently in excess of the maximum speed any crane can travel

Yes, igus® has a vast range of chainflex® cables designed for dynamic use which are guaranteed. See link for more info

Yes, strong winds do not affect the running of an igus energy chain as the systems is protected by a guiding trough system, typically with a festoon system in strong winds the cables can become tangled causing downtime and loss of production, with an energy chain this issue is eliminated

Yes, we have teams of igus® installers located throughout the world, and we can offer a complete turnkey solution, carrying out retrofits and new installations all with a system guarantee.

No, all that is required is a visual inspection every 6-12 months and adjustment of cable tension if required. There are no serviceable items that require periodic replacement throughout the lifetime.

Yes igus® energy chains are a low maintenance alternative to cable reeling systems with many benefits including;

  • No slip ring; Energy chains do not require a separate drive  / control system as they are simply  attached to the moving part of the crane and carried along
  • Space saving design; typically a cable reel on a crane requires a space of around 8 metres, irrespective of travel all that is required to be attached to the crane structure is a towing arm to connect the chain to
  • Weight saving; Typically a cable reel can weight up to 10 tons putting additional strain on the structure and more power consumption required to drive, with an energy chain the force required can be reduces due to igus® roller chain design reducing the push / pull forces required to move the system by 75%

Typically, the lifetime of an igus® energy chain system installed on a RTG / RMG is in excess of 10 years with minimal maintenance and no unplanned outages

Yes we have 71 igus® offices around the world with 34 being wholly owned.