Robotics and Automation

Posts focusing on Robotics and Automation in all industries

Will robots take my job? 

The demand for automation is only growing and is applicable to every area of our lives. This blog explores if the demand for robotics will overtake the demand for a human workforce

What is a robot end effector?

Modern day problems require modern day solutions and automation really is the future. Understanding every aspect of robotics is necessary if you want to successfully incorporate it into your own processes so read this blog to stay clued in!

how to design a robot

How to design a robot

Designing a robot doesn’t need to be complicated. With the help of a group of partners, the RBTX low-cost automation platform ensures that designing your robot is quick, easy and can be cost-effective with a quick return on investment.

How to get started in robotics

Starting off in the world of Robotics doesn’t need to be expensive. In fact, it shouldn’t! At igus® we are a strong believer of this and with the new Apiro starter kit, you can learn, explore and try different systems without breaking the bank!