Robotics and Automation

Quality and quantity. Is it worth paying extra for quality?

It is an age old battle between buying cheap and it costing more in the long run or going for the expensive superior option and it costing less long term. In the Robotics industry this is a key battle. However, until you lay all the possible costs out on the table, do you truly ever know the overall long term cost.

3 reasons why industrial manufacturing robots are important

industrial manufacturing robots are more important than ever before. The need to work collaboratively with humans means a greater output, has a greater safety aspect and enables a wider range of production steps to be undertaken. But why are these industrial manufacturing robots so important?

delta robot price

What is the delta robot price? Will it cost a fortune?

Delta robots shouldn’t cost the earth and there are delta robots that are priced for the low cost market. Does this mean they are less of a product? Absolutely not and the igus® Delta robot is a prime example of how you can but a delta without spending a fortune.